Welcome to the Booklover’s Heaven!
This site is created by—you got it—booklovers. We are voracious readers and always looking for a new book to read.
You are welcome to list your book on our newsletter if it has had at least 10 reviews and an average rating of at least 4 out of 5. The ratings can be all on one site or scattered among various retail sites as long as they are all different reviews.
For new releases that have been out 1 month or less we will take a book that has less than ten reviews, but it must have at least 3 or more reviews and be rated at least 4 out of 5. Books with no reviews or bad reviews with complaints about formatting and/or editing will not be listed. Books over 1 month must meet the requirement for 10 reviews.
For books on preorder, we prefer that you list your book when it becomes available, but it can be booked while it is still on preorder.
For boxed sets, we will feature the set if the stand alone books have the editorial requirements, meet the requirements itself, or of it is a new release with the new release requirement.
If you haven’t gotten that far yet, that’s ok, we’ll be patient. Come back and see us when you have reached that goal.
We also want to tell our readers about specials. We find that people are more likely to pick up a book from a new-to-them author if the price is reduced somewhat. That being said, we are not interested in sharing books with our readers that are more than $3.99.
We will operate our book choices on a first-come, first-served basis. We take the first 5 books of each genre that apply. If the date you want is full, we will attempt to fill your alternative date. If that one is full, we will email you to offer suggestions of dates that might work.
To find our form, click HERE. Please supply all the information that is required and have fun! Grab a badge off our sidebar and tell all your friends that your book is being featured. Tell your reader friends to join our newsletter list to find out about new reads! Once your book is listed, it stays on our site, sorted by genre for one month. You are welcome to return after that for another listing.
Please note, if you submit a book that is more than $3.99 or does not have the required number of reviews or rating, we will delete the submission. If your submission is over $3.99 on the day of your feature, then it will be deleted. There will be no refunds. Thank you for your attention!